Visualizza Versione Completa : fluconazolo reef flux Conoscete?

11-02-2020, 15:08
YouTube è pieno di video di sto prodotto...lo conoscete?

Vorrei eliminare ciuffi maledetti di bryopsis

Ricky mi
11-02-2020, 15:44
mai visto
su che tipologia di alghe lavora?

11-02-2020, 16:50
Non so se sia uguale a questo questo è un farmaco però..


Tutto nasce non molto tempo fa dall’esperienza di un acquariofilo intento a curare con il farmaco in questione una micosi che aveva colpito un pesce della sua vasca (il fluconazolo è un farmaco antimicotico). Egli aveva notato che un ciuffo di bryopsis che aveva da tempo in vasca, era dapprima sbiancato e poi svanito. Da allora sono state fatte molte esperienze con diversi tipi di alghe con discreti successi: il farmaco funziona in maniera ottimale contro la Bryopsis ma sembrerebbe funzionare anche contro la Derbesia.
Il protocollo prevede di usare il farmaco al dosaggio di 5mg/litro.
Es. su 50 litri dosare 250mg di farmaco;
su 100 litri dosare 500mg;
su 200 litri dosare 1 grammo;
su 500 litri 2,5 grammi ; etc. etc.
Nel caso non si potesse essere precisi con il peso….meglio qualche mg in più (il farmaco è molto ben tollerato dagli altri ospiti in acquario… coralli, pesci, batteri e fauna bentonica).
In commercio esistono capsule da 50mg , 100 mg e 200mg. Le capsule vanno aperte e la polvere presente al loro interno va sciolta in un po’ d’acqua e versata in un unica dose in vasca. Non è necessario spegnere lo schiumatoio, non vanno fatti cambi d’acqua per almeno 15 giorni e va tolto il carbone, se presente. È inoltre fortemente consigliato inserire resine antifosfati, visto che le alghe morendo ne rilasceranno un bel po’.
I primi risultati si osservano dopo 2/3 giorni di trattamento (sbiancamento delle alghe) ed entro circa due settimane si dovrebbe avere la risoluzione del problema. Alla fine del ciclo inserire carbone per adsorbire il farmaco disciolto.
Ovviamente non mi assumo alcuna responsabilità….ogni vasca è un mondo a se e può rispondere in maniera diversa!
Con l’auspicio che ciò possa essere d’aiuto mi concedo salutandovi tutti.

11-02-2020, 21:32
Non so se sia uguale a questo questo è un farmaco però..


Tutto nasce non molto tempo fa dall’esperienza di un acquariofilo intento a curare con il farmaco in questione una micosi che aveva colpito un pesce della sua vasca (il fluconazolo è un farmaco antimicotico). Egli aveva notato che un ciuffo di bryopsis che aveva da tempo in vasca, era dapprima sbiancato e poi svanito. Da allora sono state fatte molte esperienze con diversi tipi di alghe con discreti successi: il farmaco funziona in maniera ottimale contro la Bryopsis ma sembrerebbe funzionare anche contro la Derbesia.
Il protocollo prevede di usare il farmaco al dosaggio di 5mg/litro.
Es. su 50 litri dosare 250mg di farmaco;
su 100 litri dosare 500mg;
su 200 litri dosare 1 grammo;
su 500 litri 2,5 grammi ; etc. etc.
Nel caso non si potesse essere precisi con il peso….meglio qualche mg in più (il farmaco è molto ben tollerato dagli altri ospiti in acquario… coralli, pesci, batteri e fauna bentonica).
In commercio esistono capsule da 50mg , 100 mg e 200mg. Le capsule vanno aperte e la polvere presente al loro interno va sciolta in un po’ d’acqua e versata in un unica dose in vasca. Non è necessario spegnere lo schiumatoio, non vanno fatti cambi d’acqua per almeno 15 giorni e va tolto il carbone, se presente. È inoltre fortemente consigliato inserire resine antifosfati, visto che le alghe morendo ne rilasceranno un bel po’.
I primi risultati si osservano dopo 2/3 giorni di trattamento (sbiancamento delle alghe) ed entro circa due settimane si dovrebbe avere la risoluzione del problema. Alla fine del ciclo inserire carbone per adsorbire il farmaco disciolto.
Ovviamente non mi assumo alcuna responsabilità….ogni vasca è un mondo a se e può rispondere in maniera diversa!
Con l’auspicio che ciò possa essere d’aiuto mi concedo salutandovi tutti.

Solo su vasche con metodo berlinese?

11-02-2020, 21:37
Ciao Franco sinceramente non specificano se sia solo per berlinese o vada bene anche per dsb

12-02-2020, 14:41
se qualcuno bravo con inglese volesse aiutarci a capire...

- - - Aggiornato - - -


Remember Reef Flux by Reef HD has been designed specifically for aquarium use.
Do not risk your livestock by using anything but Reef Flux.

**Any other type of Fluconazole products sold on eBay is a FAKE and therefore dangerous.
(Take a look at all the negative comments of using these fake treatments)**

Reef Flux is a fluconazole based aquarium treatment designed that is effective against certain fungal fish infections also. It works to kill Bryopsis & Green Hair Algae in mixed aquariums, extremely well.

Directions: Turn off the protein skimmer for the first 3 days only. Ideally if its an internal protein skimmer then just remove the collection cup and keep it running as the extra airation is good.

Activated carbon and phosphate remover can be used again after 3 days, but remove any other types of chemical filtration.

Empty 1 capsule (200mg) of Reef Flux for every 10 gallons or 40 litres of water (20mg per 1 gallon or 4 litres)
Best to take a jug of aquarium water and add the desired amount of REEF Flux into it and stir to dissolve.
Add this into a high flow area preferably in the sump return pump chamber or if not a wave pump or powerhead.
After 14 days perform at least a 25% water change.

If necessary a second treatment can be performed but this would be highly unlikely as most see the eradication of Bryopsis and green hair algae with just one treatment.

Filter socks or similar are recommended during the treatment period and regular changes of them in order to help keep the aquarium clean as the bryopsis and or hair algae is dying. This will help to reduce the risk of any nutrient spikes, especially in a heavily infested aquarium.

Only for use on ornamental aquariums and fish. Not for human use and not for treating fish intended for human consumption. Keep away from children and animals.
In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately. In case of accidental tank overdose, the medication can be removed using **Purigen**

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

****This treatment seems to work best in well lit areas of the tank. Some people are noticing quicker results by adding extra lighting to the shaded areas of their tank.*****

Q: Will Reef Flux kill Bryopsis?
A: YES. Reef Flux will kill Bryopsis. There have been a couple of strains that seems to take longer to kill but if you have Bryopsis,it will kill it. It has also killed most forms of GHA although GHA takes longer to kill. Some tanks have needed another treatment to kill all of the GHA. Keep in mind that GHA can/will return in your system over time as you perform water changes and remove the Fluconazole. GHA shows up at any time the conditions are right for its growth. This does not mean the treatment didn't work, only that the conditions were right for its return. Bryopsis however won't return in your system unless you didn't kill all of the Bryopsis cells during treatment or you reintroduce it into your tank through frags etc.

Q: How does Reef Flux work?
A: Reef Flux blocks the enzymatic pathway for the production of ergosterol. Ergosterol is essential for maintaining the cell wall integrity of plants. Ergosterol (ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3β-ol) is a sterol found in cell membranes of fungi and protozoa, serving many of the same functions that cholesterol serves in animal cells.

Q: Will Reef Flux kill anything else in my system?
A: So far Reef Flux has not killed anything other than bryopsis and GHA. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING else is unaffected, just don't overdose.

Q: Do I do a water change before treatment?
A: Yes. It would be a good idea as the treatment is for 14 days and its normal to expect an increase in NO3.

Q: How do I prepare the Reef Flux?
A: Pour the contents out into a glass or jug of RODI water or we prefer tank water. The amount of water doesn’t matter, but make it enough to be able to mix the Reef Flux up just used. Pour some water in and out of the caplets to rinse it all into the glass or jug . The Reef Flux isn't very soluble, but mix it up best you can. Preferably dose at night when fish are asleep. Then pour the entire dose into the DT, or sump in strong flow. Some have put it into their sump socks. We dose directly into the DT.

Q: How long is the treatment?
A: days. Maybe up to 21 days if you still have GHA present in the tank. Longer treatments have been run without any problems so if you want to continue your treatment past the 3 weeks it will be fine.

Q: Should I turn the protein skimmer off
A: For the first 3 days ideally and then remove collection cup. The Protein skimmer oxygenates the water and consideration should be given to adding an air pump and or extra water pumps for oxygenation and certainly have existing water pumps pointing to the water surface for agitation.
Q: Do I remove my carbon?
A: Yes.

Q: Do I remove my skimmer cup?
A: Yes. Its suggested for at least the first few days if not the entire treatment, to remove your cup. If you remove your cup you may continue to run the skimmer, or turn the skimmer down as to not allow the skimmate to enter the cup. You do not want to remove the Reef Flux

Q: Do I take my ATS (Algea Turf Scrubber) offline?
A: Yes. Completely sanitize it, and reintroduce it after all the bryopsis is 100% gone.

Q: Do I take my bio reactor offline?
A: No.

Q: Do I take my GFO offline?
A: No GFO will not remove the Reef Flux. It will also help to remove the PO4 from dying algae.

Q: Do I continue to dose H2O2?
A: Yes. It will not interact with Reef Flux

Q: Do I continue to dose colour elements, alk, calcium, and magnesium etc?
A: Yes.

Q: Should I change or reduce my lighting?
A: No.

Q: If I take my carbon reactor, or any other equipment off line/out of the tank, do I just put them back into the system after treatment?
A: No. Do not reintroduce the algae. It would be best to sterilize any equipment and throw away old media for reactors.

Q: Is it ok to take out my chaeto, or other algae's then put back after treatment?
A: No. this may reintroduce the algae. Leave the macros in the tank.

Q:Should I stop using Purigen during treatment?

Q: Do I take my UV Sterilizer offline?
A: No. At first it was thought that the UV would break down the meds but further testing has shown that it doesn't seem to effect the treatment enough to remove it.

Q: Do I do a Water Change during treatment?
A: No. Unless it cannot be avoided and a WC needs to be done to save life. If you do preform a water change the Reef Flux will need to be redosed and treatment time restarted.

Q: Will Fluconazole kill my chaetomorpha or other beneficial maco's?
A: Some users have reported some macro algae loss during the treatment but most have not. We are not seeing any wide spread death in macros so it's more of a judgement call on your part.

Q: What other nuisance algae's will be killed by Reef Flux?
A: Reef Flux kills the green algae Derbesia also known as GHA. It seems that GHA takes longer to kill than the bryopsis but it still dies. It does not kill Bubble algae.

Q: When do I do a Water Change ?
A: At the end of the full 14 day treatment. After treatment has completed you will go back to your normal running system. Do a WC as your NO3/PO4 levels may be high from a lot of dead algae. At this time you can assess if a second dose will be required to kill off any algae that has managed to survive the treatment.

Contents: 200mg x10 capsules

200mg per capsule.

Works 100 percent if You are smart By GARY on 5/8/2019
GARY would recommend this product to a friend

Some people think it’s a magic pill so they leave nutrients high, leave a buttload of algae all over their tank and expect this to work miracles. Use carbon dosing to lower nitrates, GFO or phosphate remover to rid of phosphates, test and when near 0, pull out as much weakened algae as you can. This is easily done if it’s weakened by above. THEN, dose this stuff. Don’t run skimmer and be patient. It takes a couple of weeks, and if you see not much difference after 7 or 8 Days, dose again. Be smart, don’t be a 1 star reviewer and announce Your ignorance to the masses.

Worked for me By Chasbeaux on 9/1/2019
CHASBEAUX would recommend this product to a friend

I had my very first bryopsis outbreak recently and tried almost everything short of breaking down the tank to get rid of it. As a last ditch effort I purchased the Reef Flux and man am I glad I did. It took about a week and a half but slowly the Bryopsis disappeared. I used it in a 22g tank and I ended up using 2 bottles of the capsules but finally my tank cleared and has remained that way for 8 months now. I can't say why it worked in my tank and not for some of the other reviewers but If I were experiencing an outbreak I would rush to get this stuff. Another thing is be patient and allow it to work. It didn't work overnight but It did work.

Finally it's gone By Brian on 29/12/2018
BRIAN would recommend this product to a friend

I've tried forever to get rid of byropsis algae. I used the whole bottle on my 56 gallon reef tank and 30 gallon refugium. Did as advised and turn protein skimmer off for three days, then turned it back on. After the first week die off was insane. It only seemed to effect soft tree coral it just kinda shrink a little bit. I didn't even do the water change yet it's been three weeks everything in tank looks great. Shaving brush plants and chaeto not effected in refugium at all. I can see zoa colonies that were covered in the algae coming out more and looking better so glad I took the chance with this stuff.

Excellent By Dan on 5/6/2018
DAN would recommend this product to a friend

Used 14 days ago no bryopsis, have to water change but worked as advertised, fought this algae for so long was ready to give up this stuff is the real deal so far, have to wait and see if shows back up, hopeful it won’t

Great Product By Mark on 3/6/2018
MARK would recommend this product to a friend

This works. That's all I have to say. :)

Kicks bryopsis butt By Ricksreefs on 22/2/2018
RICKSREEFS would recommend this product to a friend

This stuff cleared my entire tank of bryopsis woth one dose. Combined with fresh carbon and phosphate remover my tank is sparkling clear.

The product works By Keith on 8/6/2018
KEITH would recommend this product to a friend

I noticed a big difference within the first three days...but I kinda noticed in a couple low flow areas it didn't die (knocked back in size and color). As well an overrun spot with bryopsis. I also think my skimmer had a play in it...after I turned it back on i think it started to regain some color. I have seen on r2r where people are doing 4x the recommend dose to kill bubble algae with this product. I am going to try 2x the dose next time and see.

12-02-2020, 19:30
Ciao se vai su Google Traduttore fai prima :114-51:

13-02-2020, 15:22
Ciao se vai su Google Traduttore fai prima :114-51:

si ma c'è rischio di capire caxxi x palazzi!!